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I finally found an unclaimed clean 69 box... Visit me at



Hoops' Treasure Hunt

Computer quiz for 2000 gems! Beware as there is a very difficult riddle made by Einstein himself!

Click Here!


Medium - Hard

2000 gem prize!



I recently got a 10 use promo code from the amazing devs constantly making the website better. It will have only 10 uses, and 2000 gems per use. I will be extending the quiz and making it harder - 

 - before adding a complete end to the quiz with the promo code. I hope none of you will give the answer away, and have fun!


Visit my Fact Page!

Read the rules first please! More coming soon!


Click "Fact Page!" to visit!

Okay let me sort something out. There is currently beef going between "jvvqqK"  (Jv1)and "jvvqq" (jv2) It is because jv1 thinks jv2 made alts for himself, and jv2 denies it. Recently, I shared my opinion with jv1 and now

jv2 thinks I have beef with him. I don't, but there is no chance 27 people just decided to follow him. Maybe he did what I did and make only a few alts and had other friends irl follow him, but I don't believe this is the case. Please don't go

harrassing either people, just hoping jv2 sees this to set things straight.






Uh, i'm active again so uh, sup?





I  claimed the 69s before and after!

Well... I... DIDN'T ASK

Just kidding. Who's 69 will get more support huh?


I am my own alt! Don't worry, I am not following myself, and don't plan on it. I'm just here just in case.


That is indeed me!



Hoops you make me sleepy :/



Bro cap


Hey packy boi?


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