This site features an infinitely long collection of square boxes and any of these can be edited.
Click on any box and choose edit to make changes. Scrolling down you will find a very long collection of numbered boxes before you enter infinity.
To get around either scroll downwards for as long as you like, or use the Jump button in the top left to jump to any number.
Using the editor, you may change anything about the text, edit the background colors and add links, tables or lists.
You do not need to create an account to edit boxes, if you are offered a login prompt then the box you have selected is already owned.
Locks and Bids
You may notice that when clicking on a box you are presented with the ability to 'lock' or 'place bid'. Locking a box gives you exclusive rights over it, nobody else may edit it.
You can manage your bids, won auctions and locked boxes in the 'your boxes' section of your account.
Each box falls into one of two groups:
Auction boxes: 1 to 1 million
The first 1 million boxes can only be locked for one week. During this time anyone can place bids for the next week by selecting the box and choosing 'place bid'. Once the time is up, the auction ends and exclusive edit rights are transferred to the highest bidder. The current owner gets an advantage though, only they can place a bid during the final 24 hours - a time called Owner's Chance. If they place a bid during this time they will immedately win the auction. This can be done from the account page.
If you have the high bid on a box, the border and arrow around the 'place bid' button will turn gold.
The value of an unlocked box will rise each day depending on recent activity and fall by a percentage each day.
Lock boxes: over one million
Past the 1 millionth box, every box can be locked permanantly. If you lock one of these boxes you may sell it back for half the amount you locked it for.
All About 
The currency of Infinite Homepage is . When you sign up you start with 1,000 and may get more by logging in each day or with promotional codes.
Note: Using bots or macros to farm gems or appear on the Hall of Fame is not permitted. It is also not permitted to use tools to make significant changes to boxes lower than 1M.
If you wish, you may purchase more using your credit card on the addmore page, reached from your account. If you would prefer paypal, please wait for it to be implemented, or contact us using the contact page.
You can get 250 more every day by logging in.
Every time you edit a box, you'll get 5 and if you have less than 2,000 total, you'll get a 10x bonus.
On the control panel you can view your sharing link. If anyone signs up after following that link you'll get 2,500 . Creating many new accounts to farm
yourself is not allowed.
Additionally, you can get a lot more by creating things. Send in the box numbers of your creations using the contact form for a generous reward.
Your Account
You may access your account page by clicking your username in the menu after logging in.
In here, you can manage all of the boxes you have bid on, won in auctions or locked permanantly. You can also place bids here, edit your boxes and sell back boxes.
There are three other tabs within your account page that give you total control over your account.
The transactions tab will show you your latest spending history.
The options page will let you change:
Whether the numbers and auto scroll options are turned on by default
The box you wish to start at when you refresh or first load the page.
The number of boxes that load at once, when you first load the page or press Goto
The number boxes added when you scroll to the bottom of the page
The maximum number of boxes your browser will load at once
You can also unhide all of the bids you have hidden in the Your Boxes section.
On the final tab you may verify your email address or change it, or change your password or username. Once you have verified your email you will need to also verify any requests to change it.
Your Homepage
Everyone that makes an account gets their own homepage! It'll be very deep inside Infinite homepage, where nobody is ever likely to stumble across it. Each homepage contains 1 million boxes.
You can view other people's homepages by typing their username into the goto box. Also, you can click on their names from a box they've locked to be taken to it automatically.
You see and get the link to your homepage on the 'Your Boxes' section of your account. If you want to move it, press the move button in the options tab and pay the 1000 fee. Be careful though, as this can't be undone! The page will ask you to confirm your choice before carrying it out to prevent accidental moves.
All homepages can be set as private, by unchecking the 'Public Homepage' option of your account options and pressing update. This will prevent people from being taken to your homepage by entering your username. Remember to keep checking back though, as homepages will automatically be reset to public after one week. Just press update again in the options tab to reset this to another week of being private. This doesn't prevent your homepage from being viewed if someone already knows where to look. If you'd like to build up a larger homepage before people start to visit, then consider relocating it just after making it private.
The Control Panel
On the main page, there is a button on the top right of the screen made up of little squares. Click this to open the control panel, which will give you some options to toggle and update you to the latest changes to Infinite Homepage.
The control panel only keeps track of the first 1 million boxes.
You don't need to refresh the page or reopen the control panel, it updates automaticaly.
The Interaction Panel
Over the top left box is the interaction panel selector. Right now you'll find two panels:
Treasure Hunts - This panel gives you everything you need to take part in a treasure hunt.
User Stats - This panel lets you look up a user's stats, even if their homepage location is set to private.
Box History - See the previous 14 states of that box and press save after clicking one to restore.
Box Montage - A minimap of the first 40,000 boxes. Generating this is very server intensive, so it may be run less often if there are many people on the site.
After a certain point, boxes cease to be properly numbered and the rules change slightly. Boxes may still be locked and edited but the ordering becomes unstructured, if you edit a box then you might never see it again. You'll know when you're there as each box will show the word 'INFINITY' instead of a number. Be warned though, this section is a very long way down.
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