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Where is lilmikey huh


That goober is crazy I tell you 

If you wanna talk to me my discord user is zigobite

So far 5k homepage size

We stan Lucario 

I have an idea why not you get a life?





-lilmik3y the goober

i wan food
- lilmik3y

the past of this place haunts me at night... cringe ew

Hey. Lucario here. If you bothered to read this, I am leaving the site. I just wanted to let you know that I always appreciated how kind you were to me. I hope you will have a happy future. Sincerely, your friend.

this tree is gone and there is nothing you can do about it



be glad that i didnt burn down your entire forest ;)

<- i will kill.

-former forest burner LILMIK3Y

Bzuki was here.

In August 30,


2021 at 11:36



welcome back to the HoF, bud





Thanks :D










































ah shit 










you found the special tree

special tree gets to stay


















































I tried to stop him, I really did...


...but he...‎


...he just kept coming...


...there was nothing I could do...

RIP Toaster's forests

Nah I'll remake it

















Shh. Lucario here. I have returned for the sole purpose of restoring that which was lost all those years ago.







































































































































































































































oh yea

<--- KoOl AiD mAn?

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