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Box 1 - 40,000 (8 by 125). Updates every minute. Refresh the page to update.

Infinite homepage montage boxes 1-40000

Box Montage


This is the temporary home for Community hunts. Post a link to your hunt here! (Don't make the starter box here)

Go to the number 123456769691234567 for mine

MINE STARTS ON BOX 4572552342882696933


Fairly easy at beginning, SUPER HARD toward the end.

Tails' Treasure Hunt (Community Hunt) at box 10030593773593383829, hard difficulty. No reward, just for fun.


Click here to play.

Hoops' Treasure Hunt

Computer quiz for 2000 gems! Beware as there is a very difficult riddle made by Einstein himself!

Click Here!


Medium - Hard

2000 gem prize!


My treasure hunt is on 489181461746, 9198419847189 and 8914678169414

First hunt: Humor(Medium), reward is 1.75k gems.

Second hunt: Coming at 5K gems!

Third hunt: No hunt

there yet

Hunts by Bzuki.


Hee hee. I'll keep your link.

WhY dOn't we use the treasure hunt for soMethING special?

Very Easy



This hunt has died. Au revoir.

The great secret hunt - 12321232123212321232123

Go to box 16621895312342128657 for the start of mine!


Reward: Social credit


Difficulty: Easy


Just a couple questions for fun!

Treasure hunt coming soon. Need good knowledge of totally random video games for this hunt. Difficulty: Medium

Reward: None (yet)

3 Stages

Starting Box: 10945739

Join the final order At 


Bob hunt go to page 673, then keep writing bob in the answer

here is my treasure hunt



the box is 94365936583



no reward, just for fun pls



2 questions no reward :P



2 questions no reward :P

no reward












box 3000000000000000000000000000000003


School sucks srsly


that yoinky sploinky

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