hi im tcg i put special and not so special looking colors here
btw TCG stands for TheColorGallery
back from my ih hiatus, will be very inactive lol
feel free to add your own colors
if a color has parentheses if it needs more context
how do i get so many gems?
1. the alcatel method (see: my old account)
2. youtube split window
i overtook MysterY in the rich list yo
fun fact: i used to be funnymannotfunny (aka alcatel_losesXD) (yes, that guy who found out how to get gems quickly (maybe alcatel_wins did that), quit then proceeded to get kicked out of the leaderboards after people found out how to get gems quickly) but then i forgot my password when i returned lol
i lead the anti shithole group
if you wanna join go to box 13
help me get gems by signing up with this link: https://infinitehomepage.com?ref=106330
anyways, the gallery starts after this box
This is color #694200
this is color #696969
this is color #ffffff (white)
this is color #000000 (black)
this is color #420690
this is color #123456
this is color #654321
This is color #0000ff (the color at the middle of the color thingy)
This is color #ff0000 (the color at the start and end of the color thingy)
this is color #aaabbb
this is color #ababab
this is color #0000ff (the bluest blue in the color thingy
this is color #abcdef
this is color #ecd373 (the color of sand in Mexico)
the is color #246810
this is color #bbbbbb
this is color #888888 (what i think is the grayest color in the color thingy
this is color #fefefe (the closest thing to white in the color thingy that isnt white)
this is #ffffff (white) and you can see #fefefe is a little darker
this is color #010101 (the closest thing to black in the color thingy that isnt black)
this is #00000 (black) and you can see #010101 is a little lighter
This is color #94231b
This is color #040A22 (a rather nice navy blue)
This is color #006994
This color is #482232
This is color #31263E
This is color #F2B861
This is color #4E454A
This is color #1D7874
This is color #6B0504
This is color #8DD8FF (possibly the most hated color on this site)
this is color #1c2546 (randomly generated color #1)
this is color #446751 (randomly generated color #2)
this is color #ffff00 (the yellowest yellow in the color thingy)
this is color #790000
this is color #0080ff
this is color #1a2b3c
this is color #00ff00
this is color #ff00f0
this is color #369120
this is color #4E4187
This is color #069690
this is color #9000FF
this is color #ff8000
this is color #005bbb
this is color #005bbb
this is color #096720
this is color #0052ff
this is color #8000ff
this is color #ffaff0 (a pretty nice pastel pink
this is color #499ed7
This is color #936D87
This is color #009F3D
This is color #4285F4 (The blue on the Google logo)
This is color #EA4335 (the red on the Google logo)
This is color #FBBC05 (the yellow on the Google logo)
This is color #34A835 (the green on the Google logo
THIS IS THE COLOR GET TROLLED! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbvSywXDbxI
This is color #00613A (the green on the starbucks logo)
This is color #F7C600 (the yellow on the McDonalds logo)
This is color #DE0001 (the red on the McDonalds logo)
This is color #B32821
This is the color
This is color #F21557. Kinda looks nice with the next one, right?
This is color #222232. Kinda looks nice with the one before, doesn't it?
This is color #420420
This is color #069690
This is color #424242, making this color the answer to life, the universe, and everything
This is color #fff8E7, also known as Cosmic Latte, and it is the average color of the universe.
This is #FBEC5D, aka Maize. Therefore, it's corn :D
This is color # FACADE, which is a real word.
This is color #1C3734, which is leet for Ice Tea.
This is color #614D05, which is leet for GLaDOS, the guy from Portal.
This is color #C47C47, or Cat Cat.
This is color #C01025, which is leet for Colors, which therefore makes this the most colorful color.
THis is color #6FACED, which references dice.
This is color #424850, the color of the IH logo.
TCG didn't make this, i am just putting this here for fun
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