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Please excuse me, I am confused. You stated on box 31, that you were a veteran, and using my common sense, I was able to deduct the conclusion that you most likely are talking about being a veteran on this website. Now, I don't







know why you think that, maybe you have a valid reason. If you do, please tell me, as I would like to meet all of the other veterans on this website, as I am technically one of them myself, since I was using this website back in 2016 (no acc.). -SLIKVIK

Okay, so i probably should have been a lot clearer but i'll explain. I have been using this website since 2019 so i haven't been around nearly as long as you but when i logged onto this account again i saw that you guys added the hall

of fame and my account is on there and i was really suprised because i have been using a lot of accounts and this one is already one year old so um thats my reason lmao





Yeah, I wrote that because I was bored. Also I forgot that The_Great_Nugget was on the Hall of Fame. Sorry. But yeah, I see your reason for calling yourself a veteran, and I guess you can lol

-Local 58

-Gemini Home Entertainment

-The Mandela Catalogues

-The Smile Tapes



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